Gemstone Earings

Silver and Gemstones Earings, Stud Earings, Pending Earings: Precious Opale, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Aqua Marina, Peridot, Citrine...

Gemstone Earings 

There are 31 products.


Gemstone Slud Earings

Gemstone and Silver Slud Earings

Pending Gemstone Earings

Pending Gemstone and Silver Earings

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Aqua Marina Blue Gemstone and Silver Stud Earings

26,00 €
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Yellow Gemstone Citrin and Silver Stud Earings

26,00 €
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Purple Gemstone Amethyst and Silver Stud Earings

26,00 €
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Garnet and Silver Stud Earings

22,00 €
In Stock
0 Review(s)

Green Gemstone Peridot and Silver Stud Earings

26,00 €
In Stock
0 Review(s)

Turquoise and Silver Stud Earings

20,00 €
In Stock
Out of stock
0 Review(s)

Precious Opale and Silver Stud Earings.

28,00 €
Out of stock
Showing 25 - 31 of 31 items

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