Gemstone Amber Tiger Eye Coton Choker, Tatting Necklace, Confortable, Creation LE SAULE REVEUR

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Gemstone Cotton Lace Tatting Amber Tiger Eye Citrine Choker , creation LE SAULE REVEUR, made in France

68,00 €

Gemstone Cotton Lace Tatting Amber Tiger Eye Citrine Choker , creation LE SAULE REVEUR, made in France

Design: Gemstone Cotton Lace Tatting Amber Tiger Eye Citrinde Choker

Unique Piece


Gemstone Tatting, Choker Necklace, about 42 cm long.

Necklace made with brown color coton thread and with stone beads: Amber, Tiger Eye, Citrine for the chain.

Clasp that allows to increase the length of the necklace till 5 cm more.

Necklace handmade by LE SAULE REVEUR.


Amber releases from anxiety and stress and brings with Citrine "joie de vivre".

Tiger Eye protects from Evil Eye and keeps away negative thoughts.

ORANGE: Symbol of creative enregy, it symbolizes the sun but also the fire that purify the body and passions. Vehicle for joy and celebration, orange color protects us from depression and negative feelings.

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Gemstone Amber Tiger Eye Coton Choker, Tatting Necklace, Confortable, Creation LE SAULE REVEUR

Gemstone Amber Tiger Eye Coton Choker, Tatting Necklace, Confortable, Creation LE SAULE REVEUR

Gemstone Cotton Lace Tatting Amber Tiger Eye Citrine Choker , creation LE SAULE REVEUR, made in France

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